...i choose to be a swift
living life joyously on the wing
above it all.
Like the ones i shared here many years ago
"dropping" into our chimney
where they nested in the chinks
i'm sure that it is refreshingly cool, too
up there where they zip about
harvesting their meals
and having so much fun flying wing-tip to wing-tip with each other.
down here
the sun hates me.
i'm sure of it.
It is determined to burn me and my garden alive
melting us into submission.
In case it's not obvious:
We are having one of our heat waves
i can hardly stand them anymore...
just getting way too old for blazing heat
and i'm realizing that
perhaps the biggest mistake of my life
so far
is that i did not emigrate to the UK
where 80 degrees F is considered a very hot day
and so many long for more warmth
more sun.
Looking at a map of this massive country
one thing is painfully clear:
90% of it is threatened with harsh and very often severe, threatening
summer weather
every single year.
Heartbreaking news every day, it seems
about massive, deadly tornados
and floods
and droughts
and deadly insects lurking everywhere
and now the annual wildfires!
Summer is always portrayed as a
glorious, golden, carefree season
when, in truth
it is far more often more destructive
and deadlier
than winter.
if you are still reading this
and have not turned away from my whining...
Thank you for listening
to my rant.
i do feel better for getting that off my chest.
And please know that i am chastened and humbled
knowing there are thousands of innocents expriencing
the worst of Nature's wrath
in the "heartland" of this place...
i marvel at the strength of their hearts
their resiliency
and their trial is one of the main reasons i look at the harsh
burning light out there today
and wish it would calm down.
It isn't that i do not love what the sun can do
when it seems to care and caress
and sculpt
i do realize
light is life
i simply wish that the sun wasn't so harsh, so often...
Heavenly Grass
My feet took a walk in heavenly grass.
All day while the sky shone clear as glass.
My feet took a walk in heavenly grass,
All night while the lonesome stars rolled past.
Then my feet come down to walk on earth,
And my mother cried when she give me birth.
Now my feet walk far and my feet walk fast,
But they still got an itch for heavenly grass.
But they still got an itch for heavenly grass.
Tennessee Williams
Thank you again.
i do feel better for having "shared my misery".
i am so aware that it is time now
to hurry off and begin counting the massive pile of blessings that is my life...
truly the only way to combat the darkness that too much hot sun
germinates in this heart.