Our final tally:
Irene: 10+ inches of rain
Our rain gauge was overflowing when we woke up
so we aren't certain of the total.
Lee, which arrived a few days later: 8.75"
Consequently, when i drove to my favorite farmer's market
more out of curiostiy than hope
i was delighted to find a beautiful assortment of tomatoes.
Turns out my favorite farmer-couple till soil with excellent drainage
and they had a lot to offer.
i can attest: the fruits of their labors were wonderfully delicious
perfectly tomatoey
not the least bit water-logged.
There was a tiny little yellow plum
and fabulous cherries.
That dark, almost purple one is "Black cherry"
and the orange one, "Sun Gold" a mouthful of surprisingly intense flavor
and there were these cuties
Green and Red Zebra on either side of
the always adorable Costoluto Genovese
i simply couldn't resist: