It has been a day of blessings
mixed with discouraging words from
a dear family member who is hurting
beyond my ability to help.
We seem to be learning
overandoverandover again
just how little we know about us.
Our bodies, minds, and souls
remain such mysteries
and it really, really hurts sometimes
to know so very little.
i must hasten to insert here:
i am deeply grateful
particularly this week
to live in a world where antibiotics work
for that which bites me once or twice a year.
And only wish medical doctors knew more
about a whole lot more.
Especially when our minds and souls
go haywire.
One always hopes to be able to bind wounds.
It feels hollow not to have any answers
at all
for that lovely, hurting family member.
Not a single solitary word or action from me
can possibly do any good.
Gratefully, that person is not alone
but it feels so wrong that such a lovely soul
should be caught in such a tangled roller coaster
that seems to just go on and on...
i confess:
i was relieved when it hit me, that
the best thing i can do for that loved one
at this moment in time
is say and do nothing
but pray.
It really, truly is
in another's hands.
i was sitting here
looking for something to smile and/or laugh at
when i happened to click my over to
Lovely Lucy's delectable postit was "just what the doctor ordered".
And while enjoying the delights there
which was exactly 24 minutes ago
this happened in the window right in front of me
the sun
she decided she wasn't finished
and gave this bright exclamation point on the day