The first day in Maine
late summer-like
a thin haze on the horizon
cool air, but no long sleeves required
On the ferry
i heard someone say "Indian Summer"
but it isn't, strictly speaking
those are the exquisitely perfect
balmy days following the first frost.
Summer simply refuses to let go
even here, so far north.
Evergreens everywhere
running right up to the sea.
With all the car windows open
the scent of balsam washes over us
Day Two
At the edge of the small island
we scramble over rocks
Some are still sharp
lichens beginning to digest only the very edges
a careful step further
onto those the waves are washing smooth
We roll up shirt sleeves and pant legs.
"Did you get in the water?"
"Yes. Clear up to my ankles."
It's always cold
but wading in the summer cold sea feels good under the hot sun.
Sea maidens however, are frolicking about
but all we see of them is their golden tresses