it's been an exhausting week of
Serious Thinking: Problem Solving and
General Wrestling with The Universe
which always leaves me feeling
i needed a tonic beyond mere cleaning up in the garden
which is about all i can do at this stage
and planting peas only takes seconds.
when i felt an itch
to be a bit crafty
i collected an armload of birch twigs
from the trees down the road
sat down outside and pruned them all into even (kinda) lengths
and glued them to the outside of a very ugly
plastic window box.
then i stuffed in as many pots of daffs
i had persuaded to flower earlier than usual
they are
Tete e Tete, Itzim, i think, and....oh dear, i don't
remember the name of the little one with white petals,
and muscari
then i squeezed in as many pansies and Johnnys as i could
and poked in some moss just to finish it off a bit.
i am fairly certain that the glue will not
hold up for more than a season in the weather
but i couldn't seem to find the right combination
of materials and adhesive
a problem to be puzzled out as i go through
the season, keeping my eyes out for a better
box, the right glues...and maybe another method altogether.
the Tete e Tetes have begun flowering in their proper digs
out in the garden
but i needed a window box, too.
oh, by the way
the curtain is an assemblage of
handmade doilies i inherited
and i made sure to install
a uv filter to protect them from the sun.