It's been a year for insects around here
and shame on me for not sharing before now
the amazing cicadas that visited us.
i'm sure that you heard about it on the news
the 17 year visit.
The puzzling thing for us is that here at home
in the northern part of the state
we had none
while down at Greenwood, an hour away
we had quite the crowd of the curious insects
filling the acres and acres of woodland and
i noticed first
the empty husks clinging to everything
including the stone walls of the cottages
And then the amazing red-eyed creatures
seemed to be everywhere
especially in the sycamore allée
where the ground was covered in a "mulch" of
crispy abandoned husks.
i will admit it:
i was squeamish at first
and then
while watching their struggle
and looking closely
they became wonderful little marvels
i suddenly cared about.
they are quite bumbling as they fly
even with those exquisite wings.
And their raspy chatter, up close
is not the least bit charming.
However, as a chorus of millions in the woods
their mating calls were a curiously soothing presence.
If i could have helped this one
i would have
He/she struggled a long time to get free
and stopped, frequently, to rest
All around the grounds
we found evidence that many did not make it
Looking to learn more
i found this wonderful video.
Do watch
they are a marvelous creature
and it is a gorgeous film:
Return of the Cicadas from motionkicker on Vimeo.